Weather: 2C, cloudy & overcast; SW wind @ 28km/hr Windchill: -4C
Duration of hike: 1 hour 27 minutes
Section: 11—Main Trail (from parking lot at east end of Windermere Rd. to Highbury Ave.)
Distance: 6.2 km Cumulative distance: 92.5 km
After what seemed to be a long hiatus since our last hike, we finally hit the trail again on Christmas Day. A family outdoor expedition is a traditional part of our December 25th plan, and what better opportunity to complete another leg of the trail, with Gillian and Matthew joining us.
Kilally Meadows is a designated Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA), which lies on flood plain land and is therefore not advisable for development. But that leaves it unspoiled, for all nature enthusiasts to enjoy. Nonetheless, when trekking through this section, be forewarned that some parts could be under water, or still very soggy if heavy rain has recently fallen. The late fall and early start to the winter of 2011 has been a wet one and though there wasn’t anything submerged, there were a few muddy areas that we had to tip toe through.
A view of the Blue Trail Loop on the south side of the river. |
Now that we’re hiking in the winter, the scenery has become bleak and especially drab on an overcast and cloudy day. But there’s still beauty to be discovered—you just have to have a patient eye and see things from a different perspective.
But the evergreens of course, provide a splash of eternal colour. And, being Christmas Day, it seemed more than appropriate to have a photo by a “Christmas” tree.
The east end of this leg followed a path, high up on the bluff, behind some homes. |
One homeowner built some steps down from the bluff and now has a lovely sitting area with a view! |
What every teen age boy does while hiking with his family! :) |
A familiar spot--this tree trunk has two 90 degree bends, providing a handy spot to sit. |
Looking upstream..... |
Perhaps the next time out, we will need snow boots and not just hiking boots. Or maybe we’ll even get to try out our new snowshoes that Santa brought us. If we were doing this last year at this time, then we definitely would need them! At any rate, we are ready for anything that the seasons throw our way, as we continue on our quest to complete the TV Trail, end and back.
So, with this being our last hike of 2011….see you in 2012!
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